Sunday, 17 April 2011

How to use the IPA Chart

How to use the IPA Chart

Pronunciation: Adrian Underhill Clip No.1

Clip 1- Teaching Pronunciation as a physical activity- not a mental activity

In this 5 minute clip (of 4) Adrian Underhill (author of Sound Foundations) outlines the approach he takes in teaching pronunciation to second language learners.

His approach tries to give learners visible clues as to the pronunciation of sounds. One of the main problems with the teaching of pronunciation is that it often is a mental activity and not rooted in any physical experience. He highlights the use of the teacher model as one to raise awareness not to reinforce habit formation. Pay attention to his use of gestures throughout these instructional clips and his language in giving students feedback.

Adrian Underhill Clip No.2

Clip 2-The teacher listening to student output

In this clip Adrian introduces the IPA chart and discusses the production of sounds that can be made from it. This 3½ minute clip focuses on the small differences native speakers make in producing the same sounds and eludes to the idea that there isn’t any one ‘standard’. What are your thoughts about a ‘standard pronunciation’? Do you think there is a standard that we should be modelling with our learners?

Adrian Underhill Clip No.3

Clip 3- The teacher modelling different sounds

Listen carefully in this 4 minute clip to Adrian’s instructions. In this clip the student directs the teacher and then it is changed around. He outlines a way to help students articulate certain jaw movements and talks about taking snapshots of certain sounds. This approach seems to require the student to visualise certain processes and create a mental model of the place and manner of

articulation. The traditional view is the teacher in control, in this extract he hands over control to the student. What do you think of the idea of student directing the teacher?

Adrian Underhill Clip No.4

Clip 4- Introducing the consonant sounds, tongue position and voicing

In this 3 ½ minute clip Adrian introduces consonant sound pro

duction. Watch how he makes use of gestures in this clip and how he differentiates two particular sounds /s/ and /z/. He introduces the idea of voice as a sort of switch that can be turned off and on and look carefully at the gesture that he uses. Look carefully at the way he demonstrates the Interdental fricative (/θ/ & /ð/) with his hands and models these sounds in the mouth. Listen out for the expression ‘somewhere in between’. How does he make use of gesture in this clip? When does he introduce this approach to the learners?

This link will take you to Adrian’s Interactive phonemic chart

This is a good site that transforms your text into phonetics

Mr W, a receptive skills activity?

Mr W


Look at the handout (see link below)

5 Questions (below), asking why he feels the way he does.

Listen to the clip (below), but don’t watch it- everyone turn your chairs around!! (play clip-MrW)

Write a story describing the man’s life. Describe it to everyone.

Watch video (link above). See if story and clip are close together.